
Iterators are pointer-like objects used to navigate, retrieve items from, and manipulate containers. They can be incremented with ++, decremented with --, and compared with !=. There are many different types of iterators which all behave differently.

Iterators are useful becuase they are more generic than regular pointers.

Types of Iterators

Iterators can be separated into a number of different categories. Each category describes the types of operations an iterator can perform, and more powerul iterators are often derived from weaker ones.

Input Iterators

This is the most simple form of iterator. All STL containers return at least this level. They are only used to read from containers.

Input iterators can use ++iter or iter++ to increment, *iter to dereference, and !=/== to compare to other iterators.

Examples of input iterators are the begin and end iterators provided by most STL containers.

Output Iterators

Output iterators are basically the opposite of input operators. They are only used for storing data in a container. They cannot be used for reading data and have no comparison operators.

These iterators use ++iter and iter++ to increment, and *iter= for assignment.

Insert Iterators

Insert iterators are a type of output iterator. They allow for "pointing" to a place in a container and inserting items in that location.

Insertions are performed with *iter = value. This type of iterator does not need to be incremented; you can just keep inserting.

These iterators are created with one of the following:

  • back_inserter<container>

    • returns an output iterator pointing to the end of the container

    • output to this iterator is added to the end of the container

  • front_inserter<container>

    • returns an output iterator pointing to the front of the container

    • output to this iterator is added to the front of the container

  • inserter<container, iterator>

    • returns an output iterator pointing to the location pointed to by iterator

    • output to this iterator is added to the container at this location from that point forward

Ostream Iterators

Ostream iterators allow you to insert into an output stream. This basically means writing to the output stream.

Istream Iterators

Istream iterators are a type of input iterator. They let you read from an input stream.

Forward Iterators

Forward iterators combine the properties of input and output operators. They are used for both reading and writing, along with saving and reusing data.

Note that if a forward iterator is used for saving data, that iterator is only valid while the container is not modified. Reading from the iterator after modification results in undefined behavior.

Bidirectional Iterators

Bidirectional iterators can use all forward iterator operations, plus the -- operator to decrement.

Random Access Iterators

Random access iterators are the most powerful type of iterator. They can use all operations from bidirectional iterators, perform standard pointer arithmetic (iter + n, iter - n, etc.), and can use all comparison operators.

Northwestern University - C++ Iterators Geeksforgeeks - Introduction to Iterators in C++

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