My GTD Trigger List

This list is meant to be used during GTD weekly reviews. Its purpose is to jog your memory about things that should be on your radar but haven't been written anywhere yet.

  • Projects started, not completed

  • Projects that need to be started

  • Commitments to others

    • Family

    • Friends

    • Professionals

    • Borrowed items

  • Communications to make/get

    • Family

    • Friends

    • Professional

    • Phone calls

    • Emails

    • Letters

    • Cards

  • Upcoming events

    • Special occasions

    • Birthdays

    • Holidays

    • Anniversaries

    • Weddings

    • Graduations

    • Travel

    • Social events

    • Cultural events

    • Sporting events

  • Administration

    • Budgeting

    • Bills

    • Loans

    • Investments

    • Taxes

    • Insurance

  • Waiting for

    • Deliveries

    • Repairs

    • Reimbursments

    • Loaned items

    • RSVPs

  • Home

    • Contractors

    • Heating/air-conditioning

    • Plumbing

    • Electricity

    • Landscaping

    • Furniture

    • Utilities

    • Organizing/cleaning

    • Music

    • Phones

    • Voicemails

    • Pets

    • Vehicle maintenance

  • Computers

    • Desktops

    • Servers

    • Backups

    • Patching

  • Health

    • Doctors

    • Dentists

    • Exercise

    • Diet

Last updated